
Welcome! We are Fallow Class and we are Y1 and Y2 pupils

Dear Fallow Class Children, Parents and Carers,

We are looking forward to an exciting Spring term in Fallow Class where our learning will be based around the theme of “Once upon a time, in a land of dragons, knights and castles…”  Please do look at the curriculum map to see the different areas of learning that the children will explore and how we will be making links across the curriculum in our writing, science, art and computing.

Please continue to support your child with reading – a short daily read is essential for children to become fluent and confident and underpins every aspect of their development.  Ask questions about what they have read, whether they like a particular character, which words help describe something to them.  This makes a huge difference to their ability to comprehend texts in addition to mastering the mechanics of reading.

In Maths, we will continue working on number knowledge with our extra mental maths mastery sessions, in addition to our normal Maths lessons. Challenge your child to know their number bonds (to 20 in Year 1 and to 100 in Year 2.) Children in Year 2 also need to be able to count in 2’s, 10’s and 5’s.  We will be working on our understanding of shape, multiplication and division within Maths in class.

To provide additional enrichment to our History and Geography curriculum theme, we are planning a trip to Windsor Castle and will be in touch very soon with more details.

At the end of this first Spring term together on (Friday 14th February) we are looking forward to going to St Mary’s Church in Chilton Foliat to experience and enjoy our magical Christingle service, when we celebrate the light and love that Jesus brought to our world. 

Finally, and as a whole school, we will be focusing on our core Christian value of Courage for the whole of the Spring term. We will be finding out about courageous people who inspire us to make brave choices, to stand up for what we believe is right and to help us persevere when things get tricky.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy term!

With thankfulness, courage and love,

Mrs Lambert, Miss Ingham and the Fallow Team

Fallow Class Curriculum Web Autumn 2024

Fallow Curriculum Map Spring 2025

Fallow Year 1 and 2 Long Term Plan 2024 2025

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School