Welcome! We are Roe Class
Dear Roe Class Children, Parents and Carers,
This term our curriculum theme is ‘I Wonder…’, with a focus on investigating what happens in winter. We will be encouraging the children to ask and answer questions such as ‘I wonder what will happen if…’ as they explore processes such as freezing and melting. We’ll even be making some of our own snow! A little later in the term, we’ll be starting a special project, by adopting an animal that lives in extreme cold. Through this project, we will find out where our animal lives, what the weather is like and what food they eat, as well as some amazing facts. We’ll also be reflecting on how climate change means that that this animal’s home is now in danger!
In English, we’ll be studying the information text, ‘What Can You See in Winter?’ This will form the basis of our own class book as we observe what we can see in our local environment. We’ll also be enjoying the story, ‘The Bear’s Winter House’. Will Bear get some sleep this winter and will the other animals find shelter from the cold? This story also offers many opportunities for small world, role play and creative work. Take a look at our curriculum map for information on further activities.
We will be continuing with phase 3 of our Phonics Programme and I will write a separate letter outlining the order in which sounds will be introduced for terms 3 and 4.
In Maths, we’ll continue with numbers to ten, comparing, ordering, and exploring composition. We’ll also be exploring how we can make a double, odd and even numbers along with some work on time and length. Although these areas of measure will not be assessed or reported on specifically, it is important that children have a level of understanding in preparation for work in Year 1.
In Term 3, RE will focus on ‘How People Celebrate’ and in Term 4 on ‘Salvation’ (Jesus giving up his life to save others). Our school Christian value is ‘Courage’ and will begin in Roe Class with the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. Ideas and understanding will then be extended from this to reflect on how courage is shown in the Bible and through our everyday lives.
Our PE day will remain on a Friday and the children should continue to come to school dressed in their PE kit for the spring term. Please still remember to name and regularly check all clothing, as we have a number of missing items at the moment.
Please do come and ask a member of the team if you need any further information or just want to chat about how your child is getting along. Also, look out for dates and times of our second parent’s evening.
Happy learning everyone,
Team Roe
Mrs Gibson and Miss Ingham, Mrs Stubbs and Ms Hocking
Roe Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants
Roe Class Marvellous Me Curriculum Web 2024.
I wonder curriculum map Spring Term Roe Class 2025