
Welcome! We are Sika Class and we are Y5 and Y6 pupils

Dear Parents and Carers of Sika Class,

Welcome back to another exciting term! We have a very busy term to look forward to, and our topic will include learning about the Anglo Saxons and Scots, both within History and  English lessons. We shall also be studying the biology subject of Inheritance and Evolution, with the focus on planning scientific and explain the degree of trust in our results!  Our RE learning will be divided between the study of the world faith, Sikhism and the signficance and impact of stories from this religion in our modern worldl, and Salvation with the big question, “What difference does the resurrection make to Christians?”

Please see the Sika Class Curriculum Map for further information about other subjects we will be studying inlcuding art and dt, music, PE, and PSHE. As always, as part of our computing curriculum, we will remind oursevles of how to use technology safely, respectfully, and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour and identify a range of ways to report concerns about content that we may see when we are online.

Our work is cross curricular and so links will be made throughout all the children’s learning, using a wide variety of carefully chosen fiction and non-fiction books.  

The Christian value we are all sharing this term is Courage and around the school we are encouraging all our children to show and put into practice this important value. For every value, we ask a Big Question and for this term it is ‘Why do I make courageous choices?

To keep up to date with news and events look out for class emails, notes at the bottom of homework emails and make regular visits to the school website. 


Homework in Sika Class is emailed home weekly using Gmail. It will be sent home every Friday and to be handed in the following Thursday. Children are advised to check they understand the homework, and if they need any further support, ask for help on the Monday, so that homework can be completed promptly. Further information about homework can be found inside your child’s homework exercise book. 

Reading – Children should read, with an adult, at least 2 pages of their reading book per day. Please record their progress within the reading diary to enable your child to earn their reading awards. Inside the reading diary are a list of books we recommend the children should read to increase their reading and writing quality. You will also find a list of questions to ask your child after (or even before) each reading session, to help them develop inference skills to support SATS. G.C.S.Es (eventually!) and more importantly, develop their love for reading!

Maths – The children will be given a variety of online activities, games, practical activies and worksheets to reinforce their learning. Useful and fun websites are:

All maths homework should be completed using a standard writing pencil and ruler.

Writing – Children are expected to complete their writing homework activities independently after a discussion about what they need to achieve.  However please encourage children to spell the High Frequency Words correctly (a list can be found on the inside of the homework book). We encourage the children to challenge themselves to use higher level vocabulary learned within class and through reading.  Work should be completed using handwriting pen or pencil.  

Spellings – We have started a new spelling programme called Essential Spelling, which focuses more on exploring how words are put togther (phonics). Therefore the children’s spelling homework will be spelling patterns to practice and a spelling test on Friday, using a selection of words from the spelling pattern taught. 

Topic – Occasionally topic homework will be sent home which will incorporate a variety of the children’s curriculum skills. As a result of this, the children will be given extra time to complete the tasks. 


For this term we will be running PE on a Thursday. The children need to have red shorts or tracksuit bottoms, a plain white T.Shirt and trainers. As the weather is cooler, the children may also need a plain red sweater or the school hoodie. If possible, please can the children also have a change of socks for P.E. As always please ensure all clothing including socks are labelled. You would be surprised where clothes can end up, no matter how careful we all seem to be! If children do not have P.E kit, they will be provided with spare kit where possible.

Water bottles

Children are allowed to bring bottles to school (please also ensure they are labelled).  During the day the children should only have water. Any fresh juices should only be consumed with lunch time food.

Please refer to the school website for further information about how to support your child’s learning at home.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you in advance for your support. With thankfulness, courage and love,

Kindest regards

Mrs Pinnegar and Mrs Armstrong

Sika Class Curriculum Web Autumn 2024

Sika Class Curriculum Map Spring 2025

Sika Year 5 & 6 Long Term Plan 2024 2025


Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School