Governor Information

Governance Arrangements for Chilton Foliat Church of England VA Primary School

The Governing Body

Governor NameType of Governor / Role
Mrs Sam WolcoughLA Governor – Chair of Governor
Mr Adam DayFoundation Governor
Revd Beth HuttonEx-Officio (Foundation Governor)
Mr Ian AnnandFoundation Governor
Mrs Veronica BourneAssociate Governor
Mrs Penny WilliamsAssociate Governor
Mrs Fiona CameronFoundation Governor
Mrs Freya Priddey-ChanCo-opted Governor
Mrs Ali PayneAssociate Governor
Mrs Katie TurnerEx-Officio / Staff Governor
VacantStaff Governor
Mrs Jane Parrack-HartleyFoundation Governor - Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs Jenny WebberParent Governor
Mr Mitchel MaynardParent Governor

The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Sarah Hennessey.

Governance Arrangements

This information was correct as of 31st July 2023.

This information includes the details of all Governors who have served as part of the Full Governing Body of Chilton Foliat Primary School, at any point between 1st Sept 2022 and 31st July 2023.

This information will be updated annually.

Name and Type of GovernorAppointed byDate of original appointmentDate of end of current TermLength of current Term
Mrs Sam Wolcough
Local Authority
Wiltshire Local
10/10/20274 years
Mrs Freya Priddey-Chan
Co-Opted Governor
Elected by the Governors Chilton Foliat Primary School01/12/202301/09/20244 years
Mr Raj Roy
Foundation Governor
Chilton Foliat School Governing Body30/11/202116/01/20244 years
Mrs Katie Turner
Staff Governor
(Ex-Officio – Head Teacher)
01/09/2018No end date (Ex-Officio)No end date (Ex-Officio)
To be appointed
Staff Governor
Elected by the staff of Chilton Foliat Primary School4 years
Rev Beth Hutton
Foundation Governor
The Archdeacon of Salisbury Diocese03/02/2021No end date (Ex-Officio)No end date (Ex-Officio)
Mrs Jane Parrack-Hartley
Foundation Governor
Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education13/05/202412/05/20284 years
Mr Ian Annand
Foundation Governor
Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education01/07/201730/06/20254 years
Mrs Fiona Cameron
Foundation Governor
Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education13/07/202212/07/20264 years
Mr Adam Day
Foundation Governor
Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education22/02/201821/02/2026 4 years
Mrs Penny Williams
Associate Governor
Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education12/12/202311/12/20274 years
Mrs Ronna Bourne
Associate Governor
Elected by the Governors Chilton Foliat Primary School24/07/200823/07/20264 years
Mrs Ali Payne
Associate Governor
Elected by the Governors of Chilton Foliat Primary School05/09/201804/09/20264 years
Mr Mitchel Maynard
Parent Governor
Elected by the Governors of Chilton Foliat Primary School13/07/202212/07/20264 years
Mrs Jenny Webber
Parent Governor
Elected by the Governors of Chilton Foliat Primary School13/07/202212/07/20264 years

The Governing Body From 01/09/2022 to 31/07/2023

Governor Name% Attendance at FGB meetings% Attendance at relevant Committee meetings Business/ Pecuniary Interests*Governance Roles in other Educational InstitutionsMaterial Interests**
Mrs Jane Parrack-Hartley100%
50% NilNilNil
Mrs Freya Priddey-Chan
16%100% Chilton Foliat Community AssociationNilNil
Mr Steve Trobridge16% (left GB on 09/02/2023)50%NilNilNil
Mrs Katie Turner100%
100% NilNilNil
Staff Governor
Mrs Fiona Cameron
Mrs Sam Wolcough83%100%Chilton Foliat Community Association
Mr Ian Annand83%100%NilNilNil
Mr Daniel Martin
0% (left GB on 09/02/2023)0%NilNilNil
Mrs Ronna Bourne
Mrs Penny Williams
Mr Adam Day

Mrs Ali Payne83%100% NilNil
Mr Raj Roy16%0%Works for a Utility CompanyNilNil
Mr Mitchel Maynard66%100%NilNilNil
Mrs Jenny Webber100%100%NilNilNil

*as recorded in the Register of Business Interests

** arising from relationships between Governors or relationships between Governors and school staff, including spouses, partners and close relatives

The Governing Body Structure by Committee

Resourcing Committee (Finance Staffing Premises & Health & Safety)

Freya Priddey-Chan – Chair
Angela Plank Finance & Administrator (School Finance & Admin Officers – with no voting rights)
Katie Turner
Sam Wolcough
Ian Annand
Ali Payne
Jenny Webber
Mitchel Maynard

Minute Takers: Ali Payne/Jenny Webber/Mitchell Maynard

Standards Committee

Jane Parrack – Chair
Sam Wolcough
Fiona Cameron
Penny Williams
Adam Day
Katie Turner
Ronna Bourne

Minute Taker:

Foundation Governors Committee

Ian Annand - Chair
Ronna Bourne
Penny Williams
Sam Wolcough
Beth Hutton
Katie Turner
Adam Day
Jane Parrack-Hartley
Fiona Cameron

Minute Takers: Ian Annand & Ronna Bourne

General Governing Body Information

Chair of Governors:
Sam Wolcough

Vice Chair of Governors:
Jane Parrack

Clerk to Governors:
Sarah Hennessey

Instrument of Government

Chilton Foliat Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School was founded in 1953.  According to our Trust Deed, the school came into being to provide “a centre for the provision of facilities for the moral, spiritual, social and physical education and training of persons in conformity with the tenets of the Church of England”.  The Trust Deed granted and conveyed to the Diocese of Salisbury land “to hold…for the purposes of the said acts (School Sites Act) to be applied as a site for a school…in the Parish of Chilton Foliat”.

  1. The name of the school is Chilton Foliat Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School.
  2. The school is a voluntary aided school.
  3. The name of the governing body is “The Governing Body of Chilton Foliat Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School”.
  4. The Governing Body shall consist of:
    • 2 parent governors
    • 1 local authority governor
    • 2 staff governors (including the head teacher)
    • 1 co-opted governor
    • 8 foundation governors
  5. Total number of governors is 14.
  6. Foundation Governors – The Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education shall appoint the Foundation Governors, in consultation with the Parochial Church Council of the parishes or ecclesiastical districts in the area served by the school.
  7. The holder of the following office shall be a Foundation Governor ex-

    • The Principal Officiating Minister of the parish or ecclesiastical district in which the school is situated.
    • The Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry in which the school is situated will appoint a Foundation Governor to act in the place of the ex-officio Foundation Governor whose governorship derives from the office named in (a) above, in the event that the ex-officio Foundation Governor is unable or unwilling to act as a foundation governor, or has been removed from office under regulation 23(2) of the Regulations.
  8. The Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry in which the school is situated is entitled to request the removal of any ex-officio Foundation Governor and to appoint any substitute Governor.
  9. The School has a trust.
  10. The Ethos of the School:
    Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.The school aims to service its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.  It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils. Mission Statement:At Chilton Foliat we honour our educational heritage, supported by a strong Christian ethos.  We strive to provide a diverse education that inspires children to develop a thirst for knowledge.  This is delivered in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment promoting self discipline, motivation and excellence in learning.  We encourage strong partnerships and positive relationships amongst pupils, parents, carers and the wider community.
  11. This instrument of government came into effect on 29th January 2015.
  12. This instrument was made by order of Wiltshire Council on 6th February 2015.

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School