Support for Learning at Home

Please find below links for each class for Support for Learning at Home, for further useful documents about our curriculum please follow the link below to Our Curriculum page:


Maths Calculation Policy

EYFS Support for Home Learning

Reading Strategy


Maths Calculation Policy

KS1 Support for Home Learning

Reading Strategy


Maths Calculation Policy

KS2 Grammar Glossary

Muntjac Gmail account information

Muntjac Home Learning Support

Year 3 recommended reads

Year 4 recommended reads


Maths Calculation Policy

Gmail account information


Recommended Reading List Year 6

Recommended Reading List Year 5

Sika Class Home Learning Support


Y6 Writing Expectations Mat

Y5 Writing Expectations Mat


Reading at home is probably the single most important thing a parent can do to support their child’s education. It is proven to make a real difference to educational outcomes. 

We are extremely proud of the importance our families place on reading with their children, from reception all the way up to Year 6, on a regular basis. We are grateful to all our families who read both with and to their child (ren) every day, ask questions about what is being read and then sign reading   records so that we can keep track of reading achievement in school. We love to celebrate reading achievements in class and as part of Celebration Assembly. 

As part of your child continuing to learn at home, they are encouraged to read with you daily and for an adult to comment in the Reading Diary (KS1) or Homework Diary (KS2).

For class homework information please go to the relevant individual class tabs.

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School